Garbage Collection

Heritage Hills is serviced by the City of Sammamish via private contracts for garbage collection. Each resident must contact the City (or their private contractor) to arrange for trash pickup. Please review the City and contractor rules for garbage separation and pick up times. Trash must be at the curbside by 6 AM on collection day (or the prior evening) and the containers must be removed that same night. Trash containers must be kept out of sight from the street except on collection day (in the garage, behind a fence or in the backyard). Do NOT put your trashcans on the sidewalk, forcing kids to walk in the street.

Street Parking

The CCR’s  Article 11, Section Ten prohibits ongoing street parking.  More importantly, for the safety of walkers, please refrain from parking in most streets.  Many of our streets are too narrow to safely handle street parking and our two main streets (25th Way and 28th Place) carry a large volume of traffic. This combined with the many children in the neighborhood leads to unsafe conditions when cars are parked on the streets.

Also, note that parking with part of the vehicle on the sidewalk is illegal and is subject to ticketing.  Please park vehicles in the garage or on the driveway.


The sidewalks associated with most houses in Heritage Hills are part of what makes our neighborhood unique and are for the enjoyment of all residents.  However, they require maintenance by individual homeowners.  That includes removing tree leaves and needles, weeds and moss, clearing snow, plus cutting back shrubs and tree overhangs.  People should be able to walk side by side without ducking under branches or stepping into the street.


Heritage Hills is part of the City of Sammamish and is therefore subject to a leash law. Dogs must not be allowed to wander and should be on a leash when not on their owner's property. King County ordinance requires that all dogs and cats have a current license. The park area, other resident's yards and the sidewalks are not places for your dog to "relieve" itself.  Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.

Keys to Common Areas

The pool and park rest rooms require a key FOB for entry. Key FOBs are obtained from the Greeting Committee. The key FOBs are numbered and cannot be duplicated. The fee for a replacement key is $25.00. Keys cannot be "loaned" to non-residents and must be surrendered when you vacate your property. The areas requiring a key FOB must be kept locked at all times when a resident is not present.